Had a great time at Mn State Fair! FF groups(Midwest FF, Trouts Unlimited, MN FF, St. Paul Fly Tying, and WMFFMN) had tables setup next to 'The Pond' by the DNR Building. As a new member of the FF Wm of Mn, it was great to meet other anglers from the various groups. Veteran anglers partnered with the DNR by 'The Pond' to demonstrate FF, comment on the different species of fish, and awareness of the conservation program available.
I also took advantage of chatting with one the veteran tiers. He shared a book 'Basic Stream Flies' by Schollmeyer & Peterson a must have for novice tiers; but also used by veterans. Also, for someone new to FF, Sue is a veteran member of FF Wm of Mn suggested 'Basic Fly Fishing' by Rounds is a good one to add to your reference library. I ordered these right away on Amazon.

We all took turns to demonstrate fly casting and invited the audience to participate. Young and old took the time to try it and we enjoyed teaching as much as the participants enjoyed learning.
Keep those fly lines wet!
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