Monday, August 4, 2008

First morning on the Kinni

Early start before the temperature starts rising. Our trek to the Kinni across the St. Croix River towards River Falls, WI was less then an hour's drive. My new waders and wading boots were packed in the trunk; but my Keen water sneakers would do fine along the river on the lower side of the dam. We parked our car along Glenn Park side of the street across from the residential area. Got our gears ready before starting a slow hike down along the steep trail to the river's edge. There were two other cars; two men just finished suiting up their waders and grabbing their gears and a father and son team just getting out of their car. We carefully found our own spot along the edge.

While witnessing trouts smacking the surface, I was pretty confident that I would be able to exercise the 'catch and release' practice for today. The day before I bought some flies based on the information noted on the website of a local website. Casting was not the problem of the day. I tried all my different flies; but they just wouldn't bite. What frustration! Presentation................I tried. I looked to see what was on the water and tried to find one to mimic. Size of the hook was a big factor because I did not have anything smaller than an 18. I had dry flies.......I did everything to put 'in their face' approach. They would jump and roll right in front of my eyes. Nothing!!

It seems like only a few minutes; but it was a few hours. It was getting warm; and was glad that waders were left in the car and water up to my knees made it comfortable and close enough to the 'subject matter'. I was skunked; but I know that I will be back to do this again and again.

As we called it a day, we started to wind toward the bottom of the trail that will ascend towards the park. We were met by 4 kayakers getting ready to start their voyage downstream. This made it easier to leave since there will be tubers later that will add to the recreational activity along the river. Before leaving River Falls, we made a stop to the local bait shop to check their message board to see what was biting. It was Tricos and much smaller.............size 22. Bought a few for next time and knowing that the next time it will be some other flies that will be successful. I am not discouraged, maybe a little disappointed. I will return to land one next time.

In the meantime, keep those fly lines wet!

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