Passed up hiking on this beautiful Fall day. Instead, attended a workshop tying flies along with others, who are passionate about fly fishing.(Note: Melissa took advantage of the beautiful day and went for a run at the end of the workshop) DNR-TJ picked three popular flies to start with...........the wooly bugger, brassie, and pheasant tail. The attendees were eager to learn, inspired to shop for their own equipment, and ready for the next class. A seasoned FF, KB, also attended. Not one to sit quietly, KB shared tips on tying and during our lunch break, confessed he did get up extra early to frost the cookies (fish cutouts) he baked the night before.

Just an FYI - I checked out different fly tying kits for 150.00 or less. The two that I liked as a starter for a beginner are:
Umpqua: Kaufmann's Premium Fly Tying for Beginners Kit
or the Orvis beginner's kit. Both of these have the vise, tying tools, threads, and other materials along with a 'How to' book. I did not check out Cabela's or Sportsmen Warehouse. If anyone does, let us know at our next 'first-ever' meeting. Hope most of you will be able to attend!
Happy tying!
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