Monday, December 29, 2008

Breaktime - What to do?

Hi Everyone!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I am looking forward to the new year and getting those fish lines wet and setting the hook on a brookie or two. In the meantime, I got on ebay and bid on an inexpensive fly tying vice/tool kit. I am looking forward to tying some flies I learned to ty during our workshop this fall.

Also, for those of you who want to improve on your casting, Andy Roth is teaching a fly casting class in January and February through the Eden Prairie Community Education system. Check out the website under announcements for more information.

Wonder if anyone will be fly fishing at midnight on New Year's Eve? I know there was some dialogue about people getting together to fish at Whitewater................Anyone that does, please come back and comment on that!

Well, tune in and see if I post a pic or two on the flies I ty :-)!

Keep March 6-8, 2009 open - GREAT WATER EXPO - Sheraton Hotel, Bloomington, MN

In the meantime, plan on getting your fish lines wet!

Happy New Year (Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!)